Thursday, March 30, 2017

3B Goes to the Chicks

This week we were fortunate enough to have three chick eggs take up residence within our classroom. After 3 days of watching the temperature and humidity, we were extremely lucky to have all three eggs hatch on Wednesday. 

Egg one hatched at 11:55am, Egg two hatched at 1:30pm, and Egg three hatched at 3:05pm.

Here are some videos and pictures of our chicks so far! Enjoy :) 

 Baby Chick #1 (Name to comes soon!) 

.... And then there was 2 baby chicks!!

Soon enough a third baby chick joined the family! 

Here are a few videos:

 Egg 2 Hatching 

Egg 2 Hatching 

Egg 2 Hatching 

Egg 3 Hatching

Mrs. Fahey's little dude, Grayson, meets the chicks! 

Our chicks now have their new home for the next week! Stay tuned for more photos of our precious little baby chicks as we learn more about animal life cycles. 

Our chicks on Friday, April 7 

On Friday, April 7, students in grade 3 created a "Chick City"!! We let our chicks loose as they traveled in and out of the buildings created by students. What a fun morning! 

Each student who was willing, also had an opportunity to hold a chick. We had a few instances of bowel movements, but for the most part it was a great experience!