Welcome to MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!! MMH's finest obstacle course that will test your balance, coordination, strength and accuracy. You will travel up, over, and under many obstacles.
The Rules:
1. You must travel with a buddy. Your buddy will be your honesty tracker. They will tell you if/when you have to go back to the start. Your buddy will also fix any obstacle as you travel through.
2. Moving from obstacle to obstacle, you MUST be standing on a line at all times.
3. If anything is tipped over or you fall off an obstacle, then you must go back to the start.
4. If you cross another person throughout the obstacle course, you must rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to carry on their way.
5. You must be silent at all times, or result in heading back to the start line.
Many students in our school, city and across the world celebrate Ramadan. Ramadan is a Muslim holiday. In order to be accepting and appreciate each and every member of this beautiful world, we must educate ourselves on the various holidays and traditions celebrated around the world. Today we will learn about Ramadan. Below you will find different sites where you can educate yourself on some of the incredible lessons from Ramadan.
We have LAUNCHED! Lethbridge School District 51 has taken on a new and exciting project: One District One Book. Every student from Kindergarten to Grade 12 will be spending the next two weeks reading the SAME book. What book?!?!? Well here it is!!
Here is a video from those that have made this project possible:
Each night, students will be expected to read a few chapters. The next day we will be discussing the chapters and answering trivia questions. This is a great time to shut off technology, unplug, sit down and enjoy literacy with each member of your household. We hope you enjoy the book as much as we do!
Being from Newfoundland, St. Patrick's Day or St. Paddy's Day as we like to call it, is one of the most celebrated days of the year. It is a day where we all wear green and possibly dance a jig or two! Below you will find many links to help you with your centers. Have fun :) And Happy St Patrick's Day!
We've been researching and viewing the various regions in Alberta now for quite some time. It is now your turn to create a travel plan throughout Alberta. Visit the following link to help you with your travel plans.